Sunday, May 27, 2012

Eclipse import existing GAE python project.

EVN: Eclipse Indigo, Python 2.7,  mac

First, install the pydev plugin if you not yet have one. Search for update site in pydev's install page:

Second, create a empty pydev project, copy and place the .project & .pydevproject under your existing GAE python project. Don't forget to change the project name in .project file.

Go eclipse -> File -> import -> Existing Projects into workspace and open your project from the finder.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

GAE with Python setup.

I'm using mac snow leopard, by default the python version is 2.6. I've installed 2.7, but every time I start up the app, it complains: "You are using a Python runtime (2.6) that is older than the production runtime environment (2.7)"  I update the path in the GAE's preference but still doesn't work. Finally find the answer here:
After pressing the enter, it works~

WARNING  2011-08-02 23:53:51,995] Could not initialize images API; you are likely missing the Python "PIL" module. ImportError: No module named _imaging

This is another small issue for mac user: install PIL module...
Found one good solution:  just run macport:  sudo port install py27-pil
You can run sudo port -y install py26-pil for dry run.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Vim editor setup.

Found one good resource to help you setup your ./vim folder and vimrc file.

Also, here is the article to teach you how to setup your macvim along with ctags (for autocomplte) & python on MAC OS X (snow leopard.)

My favorite colorscheme for vim : IR_BLACK

Friday, November 12, 2010

PNG Compression in Android

If you feel PNG get rendered terribly in Android, please see the following article.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Root HTC Desire 2.2 with Unrevoked.


Note: 1. need to connect the USB in HTC SYNC mode.
2. seems to be easier to have it work with windows then mac.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Eclipse ${project_loc} errors

When setup this ${project_loc} var in the run configuration- Arguments tab. You may have received the Eclipse error message “Variable references empty selection: ${project_loc}”.

This is caused by the fact that certain actions can cause Eclipse to loose focus of the current project. To resolve the issue, simply select your current project in the Package Explorer or Navigator and repeat task that caused the error. This can get annoying so another alternative is to replace ${project_loc} with ${workspace_loc}\project_name if your project in your workspace directory.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

ASAP Relocation..Don't even try it. (bay area)

I scheduled my moving for afternoon time-frame on 4/25/2008. First they keep telling me that they need more time for their current customer. They didn't come until 7PM, that's pretty late already. Once they came, they started counting the time even before I signed-up for the contract. For the contract, they told my that's the company's policy that everything need to be wrap before they move it, which I've never been told in the phone for such info. I keep saying that sth I don't think they need to be wrappep and I'm fine is there's any damage to it, but they insisted that they will wrap everything and i will need to pay for it. Once they started, they spent like 20min on wrapping for each items, when I found that I knew that they won't be able to finish moving in time and I started moving lots of things by myself which was not my schedule. What's even ridiculous, they didn't bring tools to dissemble my bed-frame and need to borrow it from me, very un-professional. They do everything very slow and was talking on the phone once in a while, I was very mad but can do nothing with it. They finished moving everything by 2AM...2AM can you imagine that? I was changed by &650, which is way more than that I've expected - $200~$300.. that they've advertised.

All things they moved: 2 bed frames, 2 desks, 2 mattress, 2 mid-size cabinet, one futon, and 2 floor lamps. 80% of their time is wrapping...ridiculous.